Concept Mapping

  The concept map below was designed to accompany a lesson on the conflicts that arose in the Jamestown Settlement of 1607.  The Jamestown settlers faced many different conflicts between themselves, others, and nature.  Using the concept map below will help students to organize the information on the cause of each conflict as well as the effect each had on these early American settlers. 

Conflict in Jamestown

Name:   Keri Drish
Date:   September 2010
Curriculum Content:   Social Studies
Grade/Level:   Fourth
TN State Learning Accomplishments:
4.5.02.a.  Demonstrate an ability to use correct vocabulary associated with time such as past, present, future, and long ago; read and construct simple timelines; identify
examples of change; and recognize examples of cause and effect relationships.
  • 1c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
  • 2a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
  • 4c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
  • 1a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
  • 2a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
TN State Computer Technology Learning Accomplishments:
  • 4.1.2.b. Demonstrate the proper sequence of steps to operate a computer.
Essential Question:  What were the causes of the conflicts the Jamestown settlers faced in 1607 and what effect did it have on them?
Concept Map Integration Plan:   After a class discussion on the cause and effect of choices made by the Jamestown settlers, the students will create a concept map in Power Point using a template provided by the teacher.  The concept map will be evaluated by the teacher to assess student learning.  The students will make any necessary changes to their concept map as determined by the teacher and the final product will be added to their notebook to use as a study aid for their unit exam.
Brief description of the Instruction Plan:  The teacher will discuss with the students the types of conflict the Jamestown settlers faced (settlers vs. nature, settlers vs. others, and settlers vs. themselves).  We will discuss how the decisions the settlers made upon arriving in Jamestown ultimately affected their settlement.  In order to evaluate the student’s understanding of the cause and effect relationship of the settler’s choices, the students will complete a concept map from a template created in Power Point.  At the conclusion of the lesson, the students will be able to go online and play the “Jamestown Online Adventure” where they are faced with the same decisions the settlers were faced with.  The students have the opportunity to make their own choices and after all choices have been made, the choices are evaluated to see if they would have provided for a better outcome for the settlers.
Additional Technology Integration to be Used:  At the conclusion of the lesson, the students will go to: to complete the Jamestown Online Adventure.    
Description of the ‘relative advantage’ of all technology being used in this lesson:  The concept map is a wonderful way for me to evaluate if the students’ have grasped the different types of conflict the settlers faced based on consequences of the decisions they made.  Having students complete this map using a template I created in power point will allow me to easily evaluate their understanding of the material.  Creating the concept map in power point will also allow students to easily edit the information they provided if any corrections need to be made. 

I believe the online adventure game is another wonderful tool for me the use in the classroom as it allows the students the opportunity to face the same choices as the settlers.  It allows the students to walk in the shoes of John Smith and the other Jamestown leaders to see if they could make better choices and have better results.  I believe this game helps to bring the information to life and will help engage the students in the material.

Concept Map Template